Square root is unspecified on numbers < 0, so you don’t know that there is not 
a negative number whose square root is 0.


From: Liu Gengyang <2015200...@mail.buct.edu.cn>
Date: Saturday, 21 October 2017 at 00:05
To: hol4_QA <hol-info@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: [Hol-info] Small question about sqrt


I want to prove the goal: !x. (sqrt x = 0) ==> (x = 0) as below,

RW_TAC realLib.real_ss [] >>
`sqrt 0 = 0` by RW_TAC realLib.real_ss [transcTheory.SQRT_0]

The result is:
x = 0
  0.  sqrt x = 0
  1.  sqrt 0 = 0

I think it is obvious, but I can'n prove it by rewrite or simplify tactic.

However, if the goal is: !x. x>=0 /\ (sqrt x = 0) ==> (x = 0), I can prove it 
as below:

RW_TAC std_ss [] >>
`sqrt x pow 2 = 0 pow 2` by RW_TAC std_ss [] >>
`0 <= x` by RW_TAC std_ss [realTheory.real_ge] >-
RW_TAC std_ss [GSYM realTheory.real_ge] >>
FULL_SIMP_TAC realLib.real_ss [transcTheory.SQRT_POW_2]

So, what the problem about the first goal?


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