Hi Michael,

Yes, Konrad's right about how types are determined in term quotations, and I too don't know of an INST in HOL Light that unifies the types of its arguments.

To get a listing of the types of the free variables in 'th', you can do:
   map dest_var (frees th);;
or to return the type of a given variable, where 'x' is the variable name:
   assoc x (map dest_var (frees th));;


On 07/01/2018 17:36, Konrad Slind wrote:
Hi Michael,

  What I think is happening is that each quoted element is being
parsed separately.
This means that the type of the x in `x` is a type variable while the type
of `2` is :num. Since INST (I think) just fails if the two types
aren't identical,
you get the displayed behaviour. There may well be a version of INST in
Hol Light that normalizes the arguments but I don't know it.


On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 8:04 PM, Michael Beeson <profbee...@gmail.com> wrote:
an example from the tutorial

let th1 = REFL `x+1`;;

val th1 : thm = |- x + 1 = x + 1

# let th3 = INST [`2`,`x:num`] th1;;

val th3 : thm = |- 2 + 1 = 2 + 1

Fine. But if we leave off the type information about x it doesn't work.

# let th3 = INST [`2`,`x`] th1;;

Warning: inventing type variables

Exception: Failure "vsubst: Bad substitution list".

I don't understand why this fails.   In general you might not
know what type x has in th1  (eg.,  has prioritize_real() or
prioritize_vector()  been done just before this?) .    Is there
a command I can issue to ask for "the type of `x` in th1 " ?

Michael Beeson

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