The KWARC group [1] at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg [2] is looking for Ph.D.
candidates and PostDocs in multiple projects. Details and an up-to-date
listing can be found at [3]. We are always interested in candiates with
strong backgrounds and interests in Logic, Language, and Mathematics.

Currently we are seeking applications for the following projects:

* ALMANAC: Argumentation Logics Manager & Argument Context Graph
  (DFG 2018-2020)
  Doctoral Students and PostDocs with a love for logic, language,
  and argumentation.

* OpenDreamKit: Open Digital Research Environment Toolkit for the
  Advancement of Mathematics (EU 2016-2019)
  Doctoral Students and PostDocs with an interest in mathematics,
  computation, and system integration.

The KWARC group engages in research and development in foundations of
mathematics, metalogical frameworks, flexiformal knowledge
representation for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics), semantics extraction from STEM documents, and knowledge
management on this basis.

Candidates interested in the above positions should introduce themselves
and inquire for further information by sending email with the usual
documents to <>.


Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase,, skype: mibein42
Professur für Wissensrepräsentation & -verarbeitung
Informatik, FAU Erlangen Nürnberg, Martensstr. 3, D-91058 Erlangen
tel/fax: (49) 9131-85-64052/55,

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