ICLP-DC 2018 -  14th Doctoral Consortium (DC) on Logic Programming



Call for Applications

The 14th Doctoral Consortium (DC) on Logic Programming will be held in 
conjunction with ICLP 2018 and FLoC 2018. It provides a forum for students 
working in areas related to logic and constraint programming, with a particular 
emphasis to students interested in pursuing a career in academia. The DC gives 
students the opportunity to present and discuss their research and to obtain 
feedback from peers as well as world-renowned experts.



The DC is designed for students currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program, though 
we are also open to exceptions (e.g., students currently in a Master’s program 
and aiming at doctoral studies). Students at any stage in their doctoral 
studies are encouraged to apply for participation in the DC.

·         provide doctoral students working in the fields of logic and 
constraint programming with a friendly and open forum to present their research 
ideas, listen to ongoing work from peer students, and receive constructive 

·         provide students with relevant information about important issues for 
doctoral candidates and future academics,

·         develop a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of 
collaborative research, and

·         support a new generation of researchers with information and advice 
on academic, research, industrial, and non-traditional career paths


Applicants are expected to conduct research in areas related to logic and 
constraint programming. Topics included, but not limited to:

·         Theoretical Foundations of Logic and Constraint Logic Programming

·         Sequential and Parallel Implementation Technologies

·         Static and Dynamic Analysis, Abstract Interpretation, Compilation 
Technology, Verification

·         Logic-based Paradigms (e.g., Answer Set Programming, Concurrent Logic 
Programming, Inductive Logic Programming)

·         Innovative Applications of Logic Programming


Submissions by students who have presented their work at previous ICLP DC 

are allowed, but should occur only if there are substantial changes or 
improvements to

the student’s work.



The DC allows participants to interact with established researchers and fellow 
students, through presentations, question-answer sessions, panel discussions, 
and invited talks. Each participant will give a short, critiqued, research 
presentation. Renowned experts in the field will evaluate submission packages 
and participate in the DC, providing valuable feedback to DC participants.


Important Dates

Submission deadline:  April 15, 2018

Notification of acceptance:     May 15, 2018

Camera-ready due:     May 25, 2018

14th ICLP DC :           July 18, 2018


Submission Details

Research summary

Prepare your research summary as a PDF document, using the OpenAccess Series in 
Informatics (OASIcs) format (template available here: 
http://www.dagstuhl.de/publikationen/oasics/anleitung-fuer-autoren/ ) and 
submitted via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iclpdc2018 . 
The body of the research summary should provide a clear overview of your 
research, its potential impact, and its current

status. You are encouraged to include sections like the following:

·         Introduction and problem description

·         Background and overview of the existing literature

·         Goal of the research

·         Current status of the research

·         Preliminary results accomplished (if any)

·         Open issues and expected achievements

·         Bibliographical references

All papers must be written in English and should be between 5 and 10 pages. 
Accepted DC papers will be published as technical communications (TCs) by 
Dagstuhl Publishing in the OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs): 
http://www.dagstuhl.de/publikationen/oasics/ .


Cover Letter

Please include the following information in a cover letter:

·         statement of interest in participating in the DC,

·         full name of school and department to which you are affiliated,

·         name(s) of your supervising professor(s),

·         title of your research work and keywords pertinent to your research,

·         current stage in your program of study (e.g. Ph.D./MS student, start 

·         contact information (full name, address, telephone number, email 
address), and

·         the URL of your web page (if any).


Letter of Recommendation

Include a short letter of recommendation written by your graduate or thesis 
adviser(s). Please, invite your adviser(s) to give an indication of the current 
status of your research and of the expected deadline for thesis submission. In 
addition, your adviser(s) should briefly describe what she/he hopes you would 
gain from participation in the DC.


Review Criteria

A program committee consisting of experts in various areas related to logic and 
constraint programming reviews the submissions. Papers are reviewed by at least 
two, and usually three, referees. The DC program committee will select 
participants based on their anticipated contribution to the DC objectives. 
Participants typically have settled on their thesis directions and have their 
research proposal accepted by their thesis committee. Students will be selected 
based on clarity and completeness of their submission package, relevance of 
their research area w.r.t. the focus of ICLP, stage of research, recommendation 
letter, and evidence of promise towards a successful career in research and 
academia, such as published papers or technical reports.


For all accepted DC papers, the student is required to attend the DC program 
and give a presentation of 20 minutes followed by discussions.


Financial Support

The Association for Logic Programming has funds to assist financially 
disadvantaged participants and students to enable them to attend the 
conference. Students are invited to submit to the Doctoral Consortium (within 
the submission deadline) to receive financial assistance.


FLoC has some funds to provide travel grants of up to $1000 (USD) for student 
attendees of FLoC’18. The application deadline is May, 18 2018. Please see 
FLoC’18 Travel Support for details about how to apply here: 


Program Committee

Marina De Vos, University of Bath

Fabio Fioravanti, University of Chieti-Pescara

Martin Gebser, Aalto University

Jose F. Morales, IMDEA Software Research Institute

Takehide Soh, Information Science and Technology Center, Kobe University

Frank D. Valencia LIX, Ecole Polytechnique


Program Co-Chairs

Neda Saeedloei, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, n...@cs.siu.edu

Paul Fodor, Stony Brook University, pfo...@cs.stonybrook.edu



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