Thank you for your answer. I made the following attempt in HOL4.                
  open realLib;
                  val _ = Datatype `
                         coordinate = <|
                                    x_axis: real;
                                    y_axis: real;
                                    z_axis: real
                             |> `;
                   val _ = Datatype `
                           chromosome = <|
                                   r: num;
                                   b: num;
                                   distance: real;
                                   rx: coordinate;
                                   path: coordinate list;
                                   bx: coordinate
                               |> `;
      ``ch with <| b := 3; distance := 10.6 |> ``;

             Can I print out the values of b and distance in ch? How can I 

          In addition, I made the following definition in HOL4
          val robot_judge_def = Define `
                    robot_judge pop = !ch RB robot. is_robot_object RB /\ MEM 
ch pop /\
                                         MEM robot RB.robotpoint /\ robot.r < 
ch.r ==>
                                       if MEM robot.point ch.path then (ch with 
<| distance :=  ch.distance + 1000 |>)
                                       else (ch with <| distance := ch.distance 
|>) `;
       First of all, when certain conditions are met, I want to increase the 
distance value in ch by 1000 based on the original value. Is Term ``ch with <| 
distance := ch.distance + 1000 |>`` feasible?

        In addition, this definition is wrong. Is there any way to do what I 
want to do?

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