
does anyone notice that, the 3 basic transcendental functions (sin, cos,
exp) in HOL4 are only correctly defined on positive inputs?

I say this because all these definitions are based on suminf which gives
desired results only for all positive summations:

   [exp]  Definition

      ⊢ ∀x. exp x = suminf (λn. (λn. (&FACT n)⁻¹) n * x pow n)

   [sin]  Definition

   ⊢ ∀x.
         sin x =
             (λn. if EVEN n then 0
                  else -1 pow ((n − 1) DIV 2) / &FACT n) n * x pow n)

   [cos]  Definition

   ⊢ ∀x.
         cos x =
             (λn. if EVEN n then -1 pow (n DIV 2) / &FACT n else 0) n *
                x pow n)

where suminf is the sup of partial sums of first n items:

> suminf;
val it = ⊢ ∀f. suminf f = @s. f sums s: thm
> sums;
val it = ⊢ ∀f s. f sums s ⇔ (λn. sum (0,n) f) ⟶ s: thm

by definition, exp x = 1 + x + x^2/2! + x^3/3! + ..., but if x < 0, the
summation will be alternatively positive and negative, the "sup" should
be the first item, i.e. with some efforts one should be able to prove:
!x. x < 0 ==> (exp(x) = 1)


------------- below are some background story ----------------

yesterday I started to need a small result of exponential function
(exp), namely:

|- !x. &0 <= x ==> (&1 - x) <= exp (-x)

I noticed that, HOL Light has a theorem (REAL_EXP_LE_X) in its
"Multivariate/transcendental.ml" saying:

|- !x. &1 + x <= exp(x)

this would be one I need (by instantiating `x` to `-x`) but in HOL4 I
only see a restricted version (EXP_LE_X) with antecedents `0 <= x` in

|- !x. &0 <= x ==> (&1 + x) <= exp(x)

Obviously this theorem (and the whole transcTheory) was ported from HOL
Light's "Library/transc.ml" (REAL_EXP_LE_X), because all definitions and
proofs are essentially identical.

I can't easily port REAL_EXP_LE_X from HOL Light's
"Multivariate/transcendental.ml", because the "exp" there was defined as
the real part of complex-valued "exp". So I started to prove the full
version of EXP_LE_X by myself.  My idea was to use the existing EXP_LE_X
for the case "0 <= x", and the case `x < -1` is trivial, because `1 + x
< 0` and `0 <= exp(x)`. Thus I only need to prove for the case `-1 <= x
< 0`:

   0 ≤ f x
     0.  x < 0
     1.  -1 < x
     2.  Abbrev (f = (λx. exp x − (1 + x)))
     3.  Abbrev (g = (λx. exp x − 1))
     4.  ∀x. (f diffl g x) x
     5.  ∀x. x ≤ 0 ⇒ g x ≤ 0
     6.  f 0 = 0
   : proof

so far so good, I have proved that, the differentiation 'g' of f(x) =
exp(x) - (1+x) is negative in [-1,0], and f(0) = 0. Then I was going to
look into my calculus books to find proofs that f() is mono-decreasing
in [-1,0] to finish the entire proof. Then, I suddenly found the sad
news, that HOL4's "exp" function is not correctly defined on negative

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