3rd World Congress on Formal Methods
Porto, October 7-11, 2019


*** Apologies for cross-posting ***

*** FM Week News: Tony Hoare's keynote (Oct 8) jointly organized by
UTP'19, LOPSTR'19, MPC'19, PPDP'19 and RV'19 will mark the 50th
anniversary (October 1969) of the publication of "An Axiomatic Basis
for Computer Programming”.

The FM'19 World Congress on Formal Methods will take place at the
Alfandega do Porto Congress Center, Porto, October 7-11, 2019, under
the motto "The Next 30 Years".

Registration is open at https://bit.ly/2JfdBjO as follows:

. Early – until Sep 10 (AoE)
. Late – from Sep 11 until Oct 5 (AoE)
. On site – from Oct 6 to Oct 11 (AoE)

Further to the Industry day, Tool Exhibition, Doctoral Symposium (and a
social event on Oct 10), FM'19 involves more than 30 parallel events
(symposia, conferences, workshops and tutorials) spreading over several
FM related areas:

.  FM 2019 – 23rd International Symposium on Formal Methods
.  LOPSTR 2019 – 29th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program
Synthesis and Transformation
.  MPC 2019 – 13th International Conference on Mathematics of Program
.  PPDP 2019 – 21st International Symposium on Principles and Practice
of Declarative Programming
.  RV 2019 – 19th International Conference on Runtime Verification
.  SAS 2019 – 26th International Static Analysis Symposium
.  TAP 2019 – 13th International Conference on Tests and Proofs
.  UTP 2019 – 7th International Symposium on Unifying Theories of
.  VECoS 2019 – 13th International Conference on Verification and
Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems
.  AFFORD 2019 – Practical Formal Verification for Software
.  DALI 2019 – 2nd Workshop on Dynamic Logic: New Trends and
.  DataMod 2019 – 8th International Symposium “From Data to Models and
Back (DataMod)”
.  FMAS 2019 – Formal Methods for Autonomous Systems
.  FMBC 2019 – Workshop on Formal Methods for Blockchains
.  FMIS 2019 – 8th Formal Methods for Interactive Systems Workshop
.  FMTea 2019 – Formal Methods Teaching Workshop and Tutorial
.  F-IDE 2019 – 5th Workshop on Formal Integrated Development
.  HFM 2019 – History of Formal Methods
.  NSAD 2019 – 8th International Workshop on Numerical and Symbolic
Abstract Domains
.  OpenCERT 2019 – 9th Int. Workshop on Open Community approaches to
Education, Research and Technology
.  OVT 2019 – 17th Overture Workshop
.  REFINE 2019 – 19th Refinement Workshop
.  RPLA 2019 – Reversibility in Programming, Languages, and Automata
.  SASB 2019 – 10th International Workshop on Static Analysis and
Systems Biology
.  TAPAS 2019 – 10th Workshop on Tools for Automatic Program Analysis
.  ALLOY – Formal software design with Alloy and Electrum (Tutorial)
.  CbC – The Correctness by Construction Approach to Programming
.  FM4BioMed – Formal Methods for BioMedicine (Tutorial)
.  FRAMA-C-IoT – Formal Verification of IoT Software with Frama-C
.  KEYMAERA X – Modular Formal Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems
with KeYmaera X (Tutorial)
.  MLFV – ML + FV = ♥? A Gentle Introduction to the use of Machine
Learning within Formal Verification Tools (Tutorial)
.  SRV – Stream-based Runtime Verification (Tutorial)

As a whole, the FM'19 congress will bring together a distinguished
group of 40+ world-top guest speakers whose short bios can be found at 

The FM'19 organizers thank all corporations that have been so kind to
sponsor the Congress – please see the 'Sponsor FM'19' gallery at 

For more information, please visit the following pages of the FM'19

. FM Week - https://bit.ly/2zsyCUu
. Accepted papers - https://bit.ly/2YtIp9Y (updated as data arrive from
event chairs; currently: 344 papers involving 750 authors)
. Call for participation - https://bit.ly/2JfdBjO
. Registration page - https://bit.ly/2NTR9SR
. Venue - https://bit.ly/2MdNCMu
. Accommodation - https://bit.ly/2OuHXEu
. Getting to Porto - https://bit.ly/2ykguKN
. Social program - https://bit.ly/2JfdBjO
. Weather forecast - https://bit.ly/2SLOKZ5 (or https://bit.ly/2YjeEo3
for more details)

Contact: contactfm2...@inesctec.pt

We are also on Twitter: @formalmethods19

*** Welcome to FM'19 ***
*** Welcome to PORTO ***
*** Welcome to Portugal ***

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