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The AAAI-20 Workshop on Privacy-Preserving Artificial Intelligence

The availability of massive amounts of data, coupled with high-performance 
cloud computing platforms, has driven significant progress in artificial 
intelligence and, in particular, machine learning and optimization. Indeed, 
much scientific and technological growth in recent years, including in computer 
vision, natural language processing, transportation, and health, has been 
driven by large-scale data sets which provide a strong basis to improve 
existing algorithms and develop new ones. However, due to their large-scale and 
longitudinal collection, archiving these data sets raise significant privacy 
concerns. They often reveal sensitive personal information that can be 
exploited, without the knowledge and/or consent of the involved individuals, 
for various purposes including monitoring, discrimination, and illegal 

 The goal of the AAAI-20 Workshop on Privacy-Preserving Artificial Intelligence 
is to provide a platform for researchers to discuss problems and present 
solutions related to privacy issues arising within AI applications. The 
workshop will focus on both theoretical and practical challenges arising in the 
design of privacy-preserving AI systems and algorithms. It will place 
particular emphasis on algorithmic approaches to protect data privacy in the 
context of learning, optimization, and decision making that raise fundamental 
challenges for existing technologies. Additionally, it will welcome algorithms 
and frameworks to release privacy-preserving benchmarks and datasets.

We invite paper submissions on the following (and related) topics:
•       Applications of privacy-preserving AI systems
•        Architectures and privacy-preserving learning protocols
•       Constrained-based approaches to privacy
•       Differential privacy: theory and applications
•       Distributed privacy-preserving algorithms
•       Human-aware private algorithms
•       Incentive mechanisms and game theory
•       Privacy-preserving machine learning
•       Privacy-preserving algorithms for medical applications
•       Privacy-preserving algorithms for temporal data
•       Privacy-preserving test cases and benchmarks
•       Privacy and policy-making
•       Secure multi-party computation
•       Secret sharing techniques
•       Trade-offs between privacy and utility

Position, perspective, and vision papers are also welcome. Finally, the 
workshop will welcome papers that describe the release of privacy-preserving 
benchmarks and datasets that can be used by the community to solve fundamental 
problems of interest, including in machine learning and optimization for health 
systems and urban networks, to mention but a few examples.

The workshop will be a full-day and will include a mix of invited speakers, 
peer-reviewed papers (talks and poster sessions) and will conclude with a panel 

Attendance is open to all. At least one author of each accepted submission must 
be present at the workshop.

Submission URL: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ppai20

Submissions of technical papers can be up to 7 pages excluding references and 
appendices. Short or position papers of up to 4 pages are also welcome. All 
papers must be submitted in PDF format, using the AAAI-20 author kit. Papers 
will be peer-reviewed and selected for oral and/or poster presentation at the 

Workshop Chairs
-        Ferdinando Fioretto (Georgia Institute of Technology)
email: fiore...@gatech.edu<mailto:fiore...@gatech.edu>
Web: http://nandofioretto.com<http://nandofioretto.com/>
-        Pascal Van Hentenryck (Georgia Institute of Technology)
web: http://pwp.gatech.edu/pascal-van-hentenryck/
-        Rachel Cummings (Georgia Institute of Technology)
email: rach...@gatech.edu<mailto:rach...@gatech.edu>
web: https://pwp.gatech.edu/rachel-cummings/

Workshop Committee
•       Aws Albarghouthi - University of Wisconsin-Madison
•       Carsten Baum - Bar Ilan University
•       Aurélien Bellet - INRIA
•       Elette Boyle - Technion
•       Mark Bun - Boston University
•       Kamalika Chaudhuri - University of California San Diego
•       Graham Cormode - The University of Warwick
•       Marco Gaboardi - Boston University
•       Antti Honkela - University of Helsinki
•       Peter Kairouz - Google AI
•       Kim Laine - Microsoft
•       Audra McMillan - Northeastern University
•       Sebastian Meiser - University College London
•       Ilya Mironov - Google
•       Aleksandar Nikolov - University of Toronto
•       Kobbi Nissim - Georgetown University
•       Catuscia Palamidessi - INRIA
•       Reza Shokri - National University of Singapore
•       Jonathan Ullman - Northeastern University
•       Xiao Wang - Northwestern University

Workshop URL: https://www2.isye.gatech.edu/~fferdinando3/cfp/PPAI20

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