In message <>
Ulrich Herberg writes:
> Jari,
> On 10/11/11 12:05 PM, Jari Arkko wrote:
> > Home routers would also have MAC addresses, but again, if we need a
> > 32-bit quantity then shortened 48/64 bit identifiers may
> > (theoretically) have collisions.
> >
> > That being said, if the home routers have to discover their IPv6
> > prefix through a protocol and store it in flash, they could probably
> > do so also for a router ID. Unless there was some chicken and egg
> > problem that required the router ID for all this discovery to work...
> I agree. Since we need to configure unique prefixes to each router in
> the home anyway, it should not be any problem to do the same for a
> router ID (or even just use an address from the configured prefix as
> router ID, which should then be unique). A while ago, there were some
> plans in AUTOCONF to specify how to use DHCPv6 (-PD) in a multi-hop
> network for configuring prefixes in the network. As in a home network, I
> assume there is always at least one border router with the global
> prefix, specifying something like that seems to be reasonable for me (in
> a MANET, that can be more difficult, because there is not necessarily
> such a central entity as the border router).
> Regards
> Ulrich


Whatever ends up being specified should require no configuration and
work when there are:

  zero border routers providing a prefix (outage and/or partition)

  one border router providing a prefix (the easy case)

  multiple border routers providing a prefix

For the large apartment building example that Jim gave, we really
should consider scaling behavior when there are a large number of
border routers providing a prefix within a given mesh.

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