In message <>
Richard Mortier writes:
> (apologies for the delay replying, have been catching up after a trip away.)
> On 15 August 2012 19:30, Curtis Villamizar <> wrote:
> >
> > In message 
> > <>
> > Richard Mortier writes:
> >
> >> On 13 August 2012 20:04, Michael Richardson <> wrote:
> >> >
> >> ...
> >> > which would permit you to validate who I am, even though neither of
> >> > have connectivity at the time.. I would cache my DNSSEC path, and of
> >> > course, we each would already have the root DNSSEC key. (no different
> >> > than how PKIX works...)
> >> >
> >> > I see signposts as being additional local trust anchors that can be
> >> > used.
> >>
> >> yes, i think we would too :)
> >
> > You did trim out the example, where due to the trust,
> > and are all DNSSEC signed domains.  I
> > suppose that is why the smiley.
> the smiley is because (as anil's reply said), signpost uses dnssec
> precisely to get that trust. a smiley of agreement if you will.
> >> specifically: in the "common case" we'd envisage that each person
> >> would have at least one publicly visible signpost, probably hosted in
> >> the cloud (whether or not operated directly by them, or through some
> >> "signpost-as-a-service" provider) unless they have suitable local
> >> resources.
> >
> > ... and the difference between signed untrustworthy source of
> > information and an unsigned untrustworthy is ... what?
> not sure what you mean here - could you expand?

If the client does not have a configured trust anchor (for anything,
DNSSEC included) and is getting one from a discovered source on the
local network, then anything signed with it is inherently
untrustworthy.  The example (provided earlier on this thread) where and are successfully spoofed
*and* are DNSSEC signed is an example of a "signed untrustworthy

> > This is putting yet another service in the cloud that need not be
> > there, though global DNS could be considered "in the cloud" as
> > commonly practiced for the home user.
> >
> > What we are trying to accomplish is getting a local name service that
> > is somehow authoritative for the local site, and optionally can be
> > made global.
> >
> > Putting the mapping to the local printer in the cloud would break
> > printing if the cloud were not accessible (hopefully temporarily) but
> > for some devices, like home alarms, utility metering, the fridge,
> > ... the kitchen sink, with low power wireless, the cloud might often
> > not be there.
> we view both the local and global (ie., visible to the public,
> probably hosted in the cloud in most cases) as part of the same
> federated service. the local service (eg., at home) will continue to
> work if you are disconnected. the global service provides for access
> to the "local" services from outside that physical network.

Does the client have a configured trust anchor for the global service?
if either signpost or DNSSEC is using a trust anchor that is
discovered dynamically, you have a huge security hole.

> -- 
> Richard Mortier

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