> At IETF 89 in London we took three hums:
> 1. On use of OSPF vs HNCP for configuration - strong consensus for HNCP
> 2. On how many routing protocols we should support in Homenet -
>  strong consensus that it should be zero or one, but no consensus yet
>  on which.
> 3. On adoption of HNCP as a WG item - good consensus for, a few undecided,
>  none against.
> On this basis the Chairs wish to proceed with the formal call for adoption of 
> draft-stenberg-homenet-hncp-00, with a two week response window.

I'm in favour of adopting this document, with the premise that HNCP is not 
going to be yet another routing protocol.
that is restricted to bootstrapping / configuring the home network.


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