Ray Bellis <ray.bel...@nominet.org.uk> wrote:
    > You may have noticed multiple revisions of draft-ietf-homenet-arch posted
    > recently. After many iterations and a ton of work for our Editor In 
Chief, Tim
    > Chown, all IESG “DISCUSS” positions have been resolved to either “Yes” or 
    > Objection”, with the exception of one “Abstain” from one of our Routing 
    > ADs who had requested that the following text be added to section 3.5:


    > The Chairs felt that the first half of this text was unnecessarily 
    > for this document and did not reflect something the WG had achieved 

I agree.

    > In addition, one small change was introduced in the -15 revision based on 
    > feedback where a reference to Source Specific Multicast [RFC 4607] was
    > introduced, but had not been called out explicitly in London or before. 
    > change is as follows:

    > Old:
    > It is desirable that, subject to the capacities of devices on certain
    > media types, multicast routing is supported across the homenet.

    > New:
    > It is desirable that, subject to the capacities of devices on certain
    > media types, multicast routing is supported across the homenet,
    > including source-specific multicast (SSM) [RFC4607].

    > The WGLC will commence immediately after the -16 is posted, and will last 
    > two weeks.

    > We very much want your feedback here, but are not aiming to revisit the
    > document in its entirety. As such, we would like to limit the scope of 
the WGLC
    > to just the text quoted in this email.

I will attempt to read the diffs; but... It Just Doesn't Matter<tm>
better is the enemy of good enough, and it was good enough a year ago.

Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca>, Sandelman Software Works
 -= IPv6 IoT consulting =-

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