On Nov 1, 2014, at 7:41 AM, Sheng Jiang <jiangsh...@huawei.com> wrote:
> But getting back to where we start the discussion, I still think in a large 
> network, the requesting prefix may not always be /64. It is reasonable to 
> have multiple distributed sources for prefix assignment, in a large network. 
> Autonomic network use case also includes to manage the prefix resource among 
> these prefix pools.

It's certainly true that if you have multiple repositories for prefixes to 
assign, those repositories will need to transfer more than one /64 at a time, 
and it will be desirable to maintain pools of prefixes on these repositories 
that are aggregated into larger prefixes.   But prefix _assignment_ will always 
be a single /64.   I suspect that this is the core of our miscommunication--if 
you talk about prefix assignment and prefix distribution as if they are the 
same thing, which is what we started out doing, then it's easy to imagine that 
we are talking about the same thing when really one of is talking about 
assignment (me) and the other about distribution (you).  Sorry about that.

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