Thanks, Barbara.

Lets hope UPnP/DLNA are starting to consider to cooperate with IETF on service

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 02:37:38PM +0000, STARK, BARBARA H wrote:
> > There are good proposal how to do servicce discovery in homenets or the
> > like with DNS-SD (/mDNS), but i think we should still worry about
> > compatibility with UPnP. Both of these requirements (UPnP and DNS-SD) are
> > IMHO better solved with router-level "proxy"
> > solutions than with ASM IP multicast.
> FYI. I did a presentation to DLNA (which has a lot of key UPnP people) that 
> warned them to start thinking about service discovery in the multi-router 
> world, and the world where more and more Wi-Fi APs are limiting the multicast 
> that makes it to Wi-Fi devices. I mentioned the DNS-SD proxy work, homenet, 
> and told them:
> " - People have started to study the current quantity of multicast traffic 
> and its impact on power consumption by battery-operated Wi-Fi devices.
>  - Concern is growing and proposals are starting to appear for ways to 
> decrease the quantity of multicast messages.
> "
> My recommendations were that they had 2 basic options of either also 
> supporting DNS-SD / mDNS for service discovery, or defining a SSDP proxy 
> similar to what I expect will be done for DNS-SD. Anyway, I told them I'd 
> keep them updated on the state of affairs regarding this issue.
> Barbara

Toerless Eckert,

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