On 2.3.2015, at 15.00, Juliusz Chroboczek <j...@pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr> 
>> One thing that has been mentioned to me is that IS-IS could be used
>> (with proper TLV additions) to completely replace HNCP, if IS-IS were
>> used as the homenet protocol.
> I see that you've been speaking with Abrahamsson.  Please let me give you
> some background.
> Two years ago, there was a very animated discussion about whether the
> configuration protocol and the routing protocol should be separate or not.
> After a lot of energy was spent on the issue, Markus designed HNCP, which
> went through a few iterations.  The chairs judged that WG consensus was
> achieved, and the configuration protocol is now separate from the routing
> protocol.
> Since achieving consensus on this was a lot of work, some of us are
> somewhat annoyed at Mikael bringing this argument back from the dead at
> every opportunity.

Funny part is, the argument has changed substantially since. Originally I 
considered HNCP security to be strictly optional, but as there was push-back to 
have built-in security, I added it in. And now it is essentially more 
littleconf’able than any routing protocol security scheme I have ever met 

The current draft specifies only PSK based security; do you really want to 
bootstrap your home security either with well-known ‘IamGoodguy’ password, or 
perhaps by logging in to every router to do magic things?

No, me neither.

I am looking forward to hearing some of some relatively dynamic security 
protocol (think IKE, or TLS handshake) that runs on top of CLNP though that we 
can hook in to IS-IS. The current draft’s ’security’ requirements for 
(stand-alone) use of either routing protocol’s own security framework are 
inadequate to what the group has been discussing here (among other places) over 
the last year.


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