Terry's email on April 6 confirmed that Homenet will use the approach
of having a Design Team to select the one mandatory-to-implement
routing protocol.   The charter for the design team, as sent in his email,
is below.

I am happy to also announce the membership of the design team with
many thanks to them for taking on this time-consuming and critical job.

Russ White (lead)
Margaret (Wasserman) Cullen
Ralph Droms
Philippe Klein
Wes George
Ross Callon

The design team has a private mailing list homenet-dt-rout...@ietf.org
for their internal communication.   The design team members are the
only ones on that mailing list.


"Homenet's architecture (RFC 7368) articulates the general features
required.  The working group has agreed that a single routing protocol
must be identified as mandatory to implement.  The final purpose of
this design team is to select and present a single routing protocol
with a summary of the necessary extensions and work to be the one that
is mandatory to implement.  Once the design team has made its
recommendation, the working group will consider any substantial
technical objections (see RFC 7282) as part of gaining consensus.

For the design team to make this determination, it shall first
understand the use-cases for homenet and derive routing requirements
from those.  Then it shall compare these routing requirements to
candidate routing protocols and examine the gaps in each.  For each
highly plausible candidate routing protocol, the design team will
estimate the work and actions needed, the resources at hand
or reasonably available, and the associated timeline to get
an acceptable, full, standardized solution using each protocol.
Based upon this information and the perceived market timing
needs of the technology, the design team will make its selection.
The requirements, gaps, and reasoning will be documented.

This document should be delivered by the July 2015 IETF."

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