Dear Ray,

Still willing.  At the last IETF meeting during Bits and
Bytes, Andrew Sullivan expressed concerns with respect to
use of .home (4th) with a 60% YtoY increase and .corp (21st)
with a 18% YtoY increase as TLD labels to declare
non-multicast conventions for local names excluding
multicast conventions related to .local.

At the high end, the cluster includes the proposed TLDs that
occur with at least order-of-magnitude greater frequency
than any others (corp and home) and those that occur most
frequently in internal X.509 public key certificates (mail
and exchange in addition to corp).
RECOMMENDATION 1: The TLDs .corp, .home, and .mail be
referred to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for
potential RFC 1918-like protection/treatment.


Suggest alternative TLDs proposed by
such as:

Avoids problems caused with use of .local.

Conflict between RFC 6761 and the IETF-ICANN MoU (RFC 2860)?
>From the organisational point of view, RFC 6761 had somewhat
shifted the relation of the IETF and ICANN. According to RFC
2860 the IETF seized its role as a policy body for the DNS
and ICANN and the latter now had a process to delegate
names, albeit a heavy and costly one. A second open round
for new TLD applications was just under consideration,
Durand said.

While the MoU had made an – albeit vague – exemption from
the ICANN’s prerogative as the name space body in
charge, RFC 6761 had slightly changed that. For the review
now the intra-organisational problems (IETF lacking a
process to reserve names due to 6761 vagueness) and the
inter-organisational problems (was 6761 as such a violation
of the MoU?) had to be considered.

Questions around a potential invalidity of 6761 were quickly
rejected as a potential “rat hole”. An opening up of 2860
– in order to renegotiate the roles of ICANN and IETF – were
quickly dismissed by Arkko (“IESG asked WG to look at
6761. RFC 2860 is not on the table.”)

Moving forward, the role for .home and .corp TLDs with
respect at establishing local naming conventions needs to be
clarified before meaningful headway can be made.  Can anyone
offer meaningful guidance on this point?

Douglas Otis

On 1/5/16 1:12 AM, Ray Bellis wrote:
> Dear all,
> You each indicated willingness to work on a document for the Homenet WG
> describing all aspects of Homenet Naming and Service Discovery.
> With the holidays out of the way and the New Year now upon us it would
> be great if some progress could now be made on that.
> Assuming that you are still willing, would you like to agree a main
> editor from amongst you?
> thanks,
> Ray

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