> On 2 Dec 2016, at 15.50, Juliusz Chroboczek <j...@irif.fr> wrote:
> I've just submitted
>  draft-ietf-homenet-babel-profile-01
> It should hit the IETF repository soon, in the meantime, my working copy is on
> https://github.com/jech/babel-drafts/tree/master/draft-ietf-homenet-babel-profile
> The major change is the addition of Section 3, which describes how HNCP
> speaks to Babel.  Other than that, I've removed the editorial notes.
> I still have my doubts about REQ5, but I believe that the current
> formulation reflects the consensus attained at IETF-95:

I do not like REQ5. As a SHOULD, perhaps, but MUST seems excessive.

Guest networks without any HNCP / routing traffic are the way to go anyway in 
my opinion. What happens behind closed doors (= non-guest) is up to the home, I 

With dynamic categories of interfaces, as long as we do not mandate securing 
RA/DHCP*, securing routing and HNCP will not help much in the bug picture. 
(=Anyone can pretend to be uplink and get traffic routed through them anyway). 
With static categories, if you send HNCP/routing traffic on guest interfaces, 
you are doing something wrong.


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