Pierre Pfister <pierre.pfis...@darou.fr> wrote:
    > Absolutely. RFC7695 Applicability Statement (Section 3.) explains that
    > the algorithm can be used as
    > long as participating nodes gets configured with an eventually
    > consistent set of non-overlaping prefixes,
    > which are then used to carve-out sub-prefixes that are assigned to
    > link/nodes/objects/toasters.

I think that I can envision a situation where a largish distributed
enterprise could use auto-configuring Homenet technology in a "Small Office"
configuration, and would use a CASM/ANIMA mechanism at the edge to ask for
more address space from HQ.  (That could well be occuring via a VPN, or some
dark fiber, doesn't matter)

In that case, the HNCP and ANIMA parts would be in a common trust environment.

Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca>, Sandelman Software Works
 -= IPv6 IoT consulting =-

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