Dear all,

As you are probably aware, Barbara Stark is retiring from her WG chair position 
after IETF-112 and I now have ‘mission impossible n++’ to find a new WG chair 
to assist Stephen Farrel.

As Stephen is an experimented WG chair, having a ‘junior’ co-chair would be 
welcome (of course ‘senior’ as well!), i.e., even if you are new at the IETF 
and if you have never been a WG chair, then feel free to reply unicast[1] to 
me: we can then have a chat about the job and the motivation. The job itself is 
not a big chunk of time outside the IETF weeks but requires human skills 
(herding cats !) and of course good technical knowledge.

Looking forward to reading your email about you or about any suggestion



[1] unicast is preferred but not required
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