Thank you for your first (if not mistaken) review at the IETF: it is detailed 
and I am sure that the authors will also reply to you.



On 12/10/2022, 14:26, "dnsdir on behalf of Anthony Somerset via Datatracker 
via dnsdir" < on behalf of> wrote:

    Reviewer: Anthony Somerset
    Review result: Ready with Nits


    I have been selected as the DNS Directorate reviewer for this draft. The
    DNS Directorate seeks to review all DNS or DNS-related drafts as
    they pass through IETF last call and IESG review, and sometimes on special
    request. The purpose of the review is to provide assistance to the ADs.
    For more information about the DNS Directorate, please see

    There are are clear and direct references to various DNS RFC's and this 
    draft is not in any major conflict with the wider DNS space but the 
    following specific suggestions relating to DNS are made. 

    Major Issues: None

    Minor Issues:

    Section 2 - Public Authoritative Servers

    I would suggest that we don't specifically mention the resiliency 
    comments but instead point readers to the relevant RFC which looks to be
    RFC1034 Section 4.1 to be specific, this is because RFC1034 suggests the
    requirement is MUST and not SHOULD so would otherwise appear to be 

    Section 3.2 = "SHOULD remain pointing at the cloud provider's server IP 
     - which in many cases will be an anycast addresses."

    I don't believe its correct to include this assumption about anycast 
    and is largely irrelevant to the content of the draft so i don't believe 
    is value in keeping the text after the hyphen

    Other Editorial comments and NITs please feel free to ignore these. Please
    note that these are not exhaustive.

    The intro is very long and talks about things that don't get explained 
    much later in document and could cause some confusion, it may be better to 
    the intro more concise and move some of these aspects into the relevant 

    Section 1.2 - to me this would flow better if it was its own section after 
    solution is explained


    1.1 2nd Para says that "the HNA would then collect the IPv6 address(es)" 
    following para says "A device or service may have Global Unicast Addresses 
    (GUA) (IPv6 [RFC3787] or IPv4)..." 

    is the former a typo that accidentally excludes IPv4? and would it be 
better to 
    say IPv6 and IPv4 addresses

    1.2 - "Dynamic Updates solution are not" possible typos? 
    should it be "Dynamic Update solutions are not"

    3.1 - Typo "Resolver as detaille din further details below." should be 
    "Resolver as detailed in further details below."


    this section initially talks about communicating with the DM (Distribution 
    Manager) via an AXFR but then refers to the DOI in the same context as a 
    responder but they are described as different components in glossary - This 
    should probably be clarified

    I think there would be merit in this going for security review 
    My specific minor concerns about this is about the concept of having a DNS 
    service exposed to the internet on a CPE to enable the transmission of data 
    between Homenet Naming Authority and Distribution Manager. 

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