I have been looking out for money making opportunities on the web that I
could do while I surf the web and didn't require me to go out of my way to
complete. I found this easy site called My Homepage Friends. So I checked
out reviews and it was not a scam and a lot of people have received
payments, so I gave it a try and it worked.

Well, it works by paying you to use their search engine which is based on
Yahoo web search. In turn, Yahoo them for the revenue they receive which is
split between you and them. Since the company is based in the UK, the
exchange rate is in favor to all other countries. That's another plus point.
The company paid me through my PayPal and doing the math, each search brings
in around 3 cents USD. The payout of 20 GBD (around $40 USD) can be reached
in two months if you search around 20 times a day.

Even though I'm not generating tones of cash everyday, it is clearly not
easy to get cash through such simple and easy means. I really don't have to
do much, but use their search bar when I want to surf the net. Anyone with a
PayPal account can try. Just fill in your name and e-mail address; set the
search bar onto your browser and you can watch the cash build up.

Good luck and Have a good time!

How to get set up:

Go to:

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