I was asked to take part in a survey by the Dallas Symphony.  Interesting
set of questions, I've pasted some from the last survey they sent me below.

I couln't do it for all the questions since the format really didn't
transform over from HTML to txt.  Thought it would be of interest to some on
this list.  The questions that didn't get pasted here involved choices of
time and cost for concert and a choice between hearing "an entire work or
just selected pieces out of that work."

If a concert is scheduled to begin at 8:00, when do you prefer that the
orchestra begin playing?

 Exactly at 8:00
 Five minutes after scheduled time -- 8:05
 Doesn't matter

How likely are you to attend a DSO-sponsored event in the lobby following a

For the post-concert event, DSO would provide the music, such as a trio
playing jazz or blues. Dessert and cocktails would be available for you to

Would you say you are...

Extremely likely to attend
Very likely to attend
Somewhat likely to attend
Not likely to attend
Would not attend

Do you attend...

Pops concerts only
Classical concerts only

How important is each of the following to you regarding the performance of
the conductor at a classical event?

Not Important
At All
Very Important

Uses energetic gestures and movements
Gives information about the piece being played
Interacts with audience periodically throughout

How important is each of the following to you regarding the performance of a
visiting artist at a classical event?

Not Important
At All
Very Important

Interacts with audience during performance
Uses energetic gestures and movements
Gives information about the piece being performed

How important is each of the following to you regarding the performance of
the musicians at a classical event?

Not Important
At All
Very Important

Are engaged with the music even when they are not playing
Appear to enjoy what they are doing
Are engaged with the music/seem energized
Are attentive to the conductor

If handheld screens were available to rent (like headphones), how likely
would you be to rent one?

The screens could be held or placed on the back of the seat in front of you
and would show a close-up of the performers, the stage, or interesting facts
about the pieces being performed.

 Extremely likely
 Very likely
 Somewhat likely
 Not very likely
 Would not rent one

How would you feel if others around you were using a handheld screen?

 Would be distracting
 Would make me feel uncomfortable
 Wouldn't bother me at all
 Not sure

How much would you expect to pay to rent a handheld screen?

 Not sure

Other entertainment events often have a multimedia/video screen to amplify
the experience for attendees.

If the DSO were to install multimedia/video screens to be used at a
particular performance, showing, for example, interviews from backstage,
close-ups of the musicians, etc., how much would this impact your desire to
attend a Pops or Classical performance?

Definitely..would not attend
..Probably.. would notattend
Might or might not ....attend....  ..
Probably..would attend  ..
Definitely..would attend
Wouldn't make a .difference.


Why do you say you would probably not attend a pops event if a
multimedia/video screen was a component of the performance?

Select all that apply.

 Not appropriate for the symphony in general
 Doesn't fit with specific event
 Distracts from the performance
 Just don't like
 Other (Please be specific)

Generally, when you attend entertainment events in the evening, how do you
feel when you leave the event?

Select all that apply.

 Same as when I came
 Rushed to get home by a certain time
 Other (Please be specific)

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