Joseph Fuller wrote:
>Me and two other guys formed a brass trio (horn,
>trumpet, trombone) for my junior recital and we liked
>it so much we decided to keep it as a going group.

Several years ago, I commissioned a work from my father Bruce Thompson,
professor of composition at Winthrop University, for our trio to perform
alongside the Poulenc.  The resulting work, Three Anachronisms, has
become somewhat standard repertoire for that combination.  Like most of
his works, it is written in a reasonably conservative style, perhaps
somewhere between Britten and Tippett, with the last movement maybe
somewhere closer to John Adams.

You can find a bit more information at:

This topic has actually come up on the Elmhurst/Memphis hornlist before.
See for example:

>p.s. we are playing the poulenc for my recital.

Do be careful how you position that work on a recital.  I had occasion
to perform it again only last week, and was once again reminded that,
due to striking lack of rest, it is, for such a short work, surprisingly
taxing for the horn, and perhaps even more so for the trumpet.  The work
is well worth performing, but you might not want to use it to close a
long program.

>I also was wondering if anybody knew where i could find:
>Niels Viggo Bentzon (out of print), Donald Miller sonatine
>en trio, or Mark Wolfram (commissioned by the horn society).

Well, we have had a look around, and kind find any extant copies of the
Bentzon or Miller works, but would be glad to supply you with a copy of
the Wolfram if you like.  If interested, please contact us privately.

David B. Thompson, President
Thompson Edition, Inc.

Horn mailing list

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