I know it, I know it for long, he has gone crazy now !!!! Did you or did your lovely 
wife deliver the baby ? Keep your Intel-i-gen-CIA together, edit Cop-rush, but dont 
join Goethe or Schiller, Miller or Muller, Plea - ass.

Merry Christmas, my friend. Hope our silliness can stay with us for a while still, 
even world seems to go the serious path of intolerance now.




<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> By Prof. I. M. Gestopftmitscheist
> Twas the night before Kopprasch, when all through the house
> Not a hornist was playing, not even some Strauss;
> The 8D's were packed in their cases with care,
> In hopes that St. Dennis soon would be there.
> The students were nestled all snug in their beds,
> While visions of symphony jobs danced in their heads;
> As Mamma and I filled out financial aid forms,
> We wished that those kids had never been born!
> With auditions looming for college and schools,
> These two "musicians" were acting like fools.
> Playing only solos, excerpts, and such,
> Their playing was not to be considered, much.
> Add to these facts that these kids had big heads,
> Mamma and I were in the throes of great dread.
> Since money was tight and the wallet quite thin,
> Unless they got scholarships, the future was grim.
> When out on the lawn there arose such a sound,
> I sprang from the desk like a deer on a bound!
> Away to the window, I flew like a flash,
> Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash!
> The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
> Gave the lustre of midday to objects below,
> When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
> But a gigantic sleigh and eight great-big reindeer!
> A distinguished man had his hand on the rein,
> I new in a moment that it surely was St. Brain.
> More rapid than Al Cass his coursers they came,
> And he free buzzed, and shouted, and called them by name:
> Now, Alex! now Kruspe! now Conn and Holton!
> On, Yamaha! on Geyer! on, Schmid and Lawson!
> To the top of the range! to the pedal notes fall!
> Now play away! play away! play away all!
> As great horn players can do "on the fly,"
> When they meet with an excerpt, mount to the sky,
> So up to the roof-top the coursers they flew,
> With a sleigh full of music, and St. Dennis too.
> And then, in an eighth note, I heard on the roof
> The puffing and blowing of each little toot.
> As I drew in my head, and was fumbling around,
> Down the chimney came St. Dennis, ready to sound.
> He was dressed in his tails, and patent leather shoes,
> And he then said to me, "In a minute, great news!"
> A bundle of music he had flung on his back,
> And in his right hand, a Marcus Bona pack.
> I stared at his face, and his eyes were afire,
> and I knew in his life, there was only one desire,
> to take out a horn and play it so well,
> that the rest of us mortals could just "go to hell!"
> He opened the gig bag and picked up his horn,
> like I knew he had done since the day he was born.
> He then played the Siegfried with nary a clam,
> and all I could think of was "hot damn!"
> And this great performance had awakened the kids,
> Who came in a'running, and put on the skids.
> They were all shaken, scared, and bewildered of that
> Since the only horn playing they had done had sounded like crap.
> He then played "Till Eulenspiegel" with nary a crack,
> And all with perfect rhythm, dynamics and attack.
> His beautiful tone was simply amazing,
> Not to mention his incredible phrasing.
> The kids starting yelling, "HOW CAN WE DO THAT?"
> And then St. Dennis said, "Please, don't despair.
> There is remedy for all problems, so there."
> "My instructions, now, you should perfectly heed,
> If you really ever, ever want to succeed."
> St. Dennis then reached down into his sack,
> And pulled out some music and handed it back.
> "There are five fundamentals to playing horn well,
> Without support for you air, your playing will smell.
> A strong embouchure gives you right notes and range,
> Good articulation keeps things from sounding strange."
> "One must know their intervals and play pitches in tune,
> Or else you will clam and play like a bufoon!
> You need perfect rhythm, without any glitches,
> Otherwise, you'll have the audience in stitches."
> "Put it all together and what have you got?
> Why, great playing, for sure, and crap it is not!
> If you work on the basics one hour per day,
> Then people will listen, they might even pay!"
> "So practice these studies, numbers one through sixty.
> Until you have assuredness and consistency.
> This time you invest is always well spent,
> Especially when you must perform at any event."
> "Your excerpts and solos will go like the wind,
> Since you know all the techniques to employ within.
> A tricky passage is now in your grasp,
> Since you have practiced and practiced: KOPPRASCH!!!"
> With a wink of his eye and a nod of his head,
> "I've got others to tell, tonight," he said.
> And then with his horn and his music in hand,
> Up the chimney he went, fast as fast can.
> He sprang to his sleigh and buzzed to his team,
> Away they all flew, as if in a dream.
> But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
> "Happy KOPPRASCH to all and to all a good night!"
> Copywrong, 1999, revised version, 2000 Prof. I. M. Gestopftmitscheist
> The Merryestest and Happyestest Seasonings Greetonings to Everyone!
> Prof. I. M. Gestopftmitscheist
> Principal 8th horn and Principal 4th Wagner Tuber, Schplittenotendorf am
> Oedland Staatsoper und Philharmoniker, (ret.)
> Solo Horn, Exit 2 Brass Quintet
> Hornist, Broken Winds WW Quintet
> Solo 4th Horn (Leader, call me for bookings), Smirnoff Horn Quartet
> Hornist as Needed, L'Ensemble du Chambre des Palourdes
> Principal Natural Horn, I Soloisti di Feces
> Principal Baroque and Hunting Horn, Camarata Vongoleforte
> Adjunct, Part-time, Arms-length Professor of Horn and Pest Control, Exit 2
> Community College, Exit 2, NJ
> Author, "The Kopprasch Connection," "Kopprasch for Fun and Profit,"
> "Kopprasch for the New Millenium: Where Do you Fit In?" and "Hooked on
> Hornonics"
> Founder, Director and CEO, Universal Institute for the Study, Preservation
> and Dissemination of Kopprasch Throughout the Solar System
> Founder and Guru Extraordinaire, Hornaholics Anonymous
> Grand Poobah of the Koppraschian Kult
> Director and Program Manager, The All Kopprasch Channel (AKC), Kopprasch
> Public Radio (KPR)
> Founder of Kopprasch Depot, your one stop shop for all you need!
> Interplanetarily Known Soloist and Artist of Record
> Phone: yes
> Fax: yes
> E-mail: yes
> Website: no
> "Have yourself a merry little Kopprasch!"
> _______________________________________________
> Horn mailing list
> http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/listinfo/horn

Prof.Hans Pizka
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] tel.: +49 89 903 9548 - www.pizka.de  (horn site) with 
connections to
www.pizka.de/Pizka-music.html  (publications) - www.pizka.de/PizClasHr.htm 
(instruments, mouthpieces)
www.pizka.de/PizWrHorn.htm (Viennese Horns) - www.pizka.de/mpiece.htm (mouthpieces)
www.pizka.de/Pizka-travel.htm (pictures, stories, experiences from my travel) - open 

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