[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Ted Turner aside, there are real differences in pronunciation in this
country.  Sometimes only a few hundred miles can make a difference in the
sound of a given word.  Add to that the influence of schooling and how
someone in one of the sound media thinks a word should be pronounced, well,
... but I'm sure this happens in Germanic speaking countries as well ;)


>Merry Christmas
>When I listen to the CNN speakers & notice their pronounciation of your
>language, I would like to stop them speaking with their "idiotic"  much too
>daaaaaaark  "a" like in Wor (war), Eeron (Iran), Eerok (Irak), Ostreejah
>(Austria), perhaps Oleksondah (Alexander), Poksmohn, @tsetra. Can anyone
>tell me, why we allow,-you on the other side of the Atlantik (perhaps
>Ot-lonteeck) & we here in Europe-, that the English language is perverted so
>much, by Richard Quest & Christiane Amonpour & others ? This TV station (if
>you travel, you often have no other choice) acts like "the voice of
>America", but sound as the voice of Kangaroo.


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