Hello Ryan,

What seems to be the problem with the Giard C8 mpc when you use it on the

Regarding your college audition playing - I suspect that items such as your
intonation, articulation, rhythm, and dynamics are much more important than
the 'sound quality' or extremes of range. As long as the 'sound quality' is
recognizeably 'horn'. 

If the C8 (or C10) works OK, then why not continue using it, at least for
several months while you get familiar with the Yamaha ? 

A good source of mpc info is Moosewood - see

With my Yamaha 668N, I use a Moosewood B12 and am very pleased with it.

Other good info is at John Ericson's site -

Jay Kosta
Endwell NY USA
At 09:38 PM 1/20/2003 -0600, 
>I've recently switched to a yamaha 667vs after playing an 8D with a 
>giardinelli c8. Does anyone have a recommendation as to what mouthpiece I 
>should use with the yamaha? I've played a stork c10 the last week, and it 
>works reasponably well, but it's a bit difficult to play low, and it doesn't 
>deliver quite the sound I desire to produce with this horn. Does anyone have 
>experience with the 667vs? College auditions are around the corner, and I 
>greatly need some advice.
>Ryan K
>MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE* 
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