Anne, Powell's son (Michael) has been the head of the FCC for some time now
(5-6 years), predating any shift in Colin's position. So if you're looking
for a conspiracy relative to his change of tune, there isn't one there. It
seems to be a bit of a sport to read all kinds of intrigue and conspiracy
into everything these days...

I do take a bit of issue with those of you who characterize anyone who wants
to do something about the Iraq problem as "warhawks",  "pompous clowns",
etc. Just because one doesn't want to do nothing about a problem doesn't
mean that they aren't thoughtful in terms of engaging in conflict. If you're
not against war doesn't automatically mean that you're for it. Personally, I
don't want war any more than anyone else, but there is too much evidence
that Iraq is complicit in terrorism. That someone "could" fabricate evidence
with a computer doesn't automatically mean that they did so.

I don't know how many times Saddam has to gas his own people or flout UN
inspectionsb before the peaceniks realize that he's not going to go
peacefully, or turn over his weapons. And for those who think "we're going
it alone", Iraq has been in blatant violation of UN treaties ever since the
gulf war ended. That the UN won't enforce its own "mandates" makes it an
irrelevant and toothless body.

Frankly, I think it's a bit ridiculous that this entire subject has been
brought up in this forum. While NHR issues are welcome, I think the old
axiom that it's best to not talk religion or politics in certain forums
should apply. I wouldn't want to be on a politics site and have pundits
chatting up horns and horn playing, if you know what I mean.

Just my two cents worth, of course...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Anne Megenity" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 4:21 PM
Subject: [Hornlist] NHR Colin Powell

>    I shared Fred Baucom's admiration of Colin Powell when the subject of
> Iraq came up originally, as his seemed to be the only voice of reason in a
> nest of Warhawks.  Then recently he appeared to join the general
> administration line and I wondered what had changed.
> Not long after that, I read something in a magazine which perhaps someone
> can prove true or not, which was that a son of Mr. Powell had been given a
> high-paying government job as head of some department in Washington. Now
> sorry I didn't take notes on the magazine or source but thought it would
> appear elsewhere,but if it has,I haven't seen it If true,this is extremely
> disappointing to me. Anyone?
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