I have asthma and yes, it can be tough on the lungs for me.  I find that I 
will have trouble playing loud for an extended amount of time.  Also, on my 
old school horn, there was a mold, or mildew, I can't really remember, that 
was growing on the inside (gross, I know) that was actually making the asthma 
worse for me.  I assume that you take a prevental asthma medicine as well.  
All I can say is that, yes, the horn can make asthma worse, but I wouldn't 
worry too much.  Even if you take the Albuterol right before you start, that 
should get you through the entire time.  I know that I always bring it to 
rehearsals, just in case.  I hope this helps.

Mike Scheimer, Pittsburgh
set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

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