Kendall wrote:

>Bob Dickow wants to know:
>> Ok, everybody knows that in French a cracked note is often called a
>> ('duck'), right? Ok, describe the biggest 'conard' that you yourselves
>> either personally executed or witnessed in a performance, recorded, live,
>> or
>> otherwise
>I don't know where to start, there are just so many and how do describe
>without using improper language?

Well, if you include just plain wrong notes along with cracks, it's not hard
for me.  My worst was in an early morning concert on tour with the New
Orleans Symphony, on the first entrance of the 3rd and 4th horns in the
second half of the first bar of Brahms 1st.  Just before the conductor came
in I had been running through a couple of passages in the last movement in E
horn.  I just had time to flip back to the first movement for the downbeat.
The first movement is in Eb horn.  When I came in very solidly a half step
high it sounded like someone had stepped on the horn section.   Never did it

Chris Earnest

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