well thank you for your info, and i do agree that i
dont think my teacher knows what she is doing or if
she even knows what the mozart 2 sounds like. i think
that she knew i was a horn player and thought that it
would do me some good to research the only horn solo
she knew. and to the question on sources, well, I
asked her what kind of sources i should get for the
paper. she looked at me for about 15 sec with a blank
smile on her face and then replied, "oh, anything on
the form of the mozart 2." If anyone can decifer her,
i would like to know. by the way, i hope i did not
offend any teachers out there by the way i depicted
her. i only state the truth. she is not the brightest
leaf on the tree and she does not know how to teach.
thank you again for your help.

joseph fuller

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