Dear Hornlisters,
Oh, how I wish our Principal and her assisstant would agree to switch parts, but they 
guard them with such ferocity, the rest of us in the section fear for our fingers.  We 
all get together on various occasions and switch around ensemble parts, but when we 
are in a band rehearsal, forget it.  Madam Principal, not there by audition, but by 
longevity, has gone so far as to refuse to share the folder even when she would not be 
playing a concert.  All eight of us in the section have proven our ability to handle 
the first parts, and the rest of us (2 to 4) switch very freely among ourselves.  None 
of us have ever experienced any detrimental effect of playing 4th on one part and then 
3rd or 1st on another.  In fact, the whole high-low switch seems to actually improve 
flexibility, but we can't seem to get the two ladies at the top of the section to 
agree.  Several years ago, someone asked our Principal Trumpet what it would take for 
a newcomer to move up in the section, and he replied, "someone has to die".  Yeah...

Deborah Buchanan
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