Looks there was a small victory, but that may be countered by the new
Special Situations committee.

This is quoted from Playbill online.

"At a press conference March 11, it was announced that minimums at the large Broadway theatres will now have set minimums of 18 or 19 players.

The lowered number represents a reduction of roughly a third, but is a far cry from a complete elimination of the minimums clause, a conclusion the producers had initially sought."

There were also changes made to the "Special Situations" clause, which allows producers of shows to petition for a different number of musicians. Previously, the committee that decided these matters was comprised of six people, all music professionals: orchestrators, music directors and the like. According to the revised clause, the committee will now be made up of neutral people who are neither members of the musicians union or the League of American Theatres and Producers."


Margaret F. Dikel
11218 Ashley Drive
Rockville MD  20852-2402
fax: 301-984-6390

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