I tried to send this a couple of weeks ago and it never seemed to appear on
the list (censorship? oh no - just kidding, I'm not serious about opening
that can of worms...). Now I find a copy sitting in my "sent mail" folder
so I'll give my list image a second try at self-immolation.

- pJh

After a posting by Alan Cole which disapproves of suggestive CD cover art
for various reasons....

Carole writes:

<subject: Re: [Hornlist] Daring Pictures On Classical CD Covers
<On Fri, 28 Feb 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
<> Hmmm... so long as noone takes a photo with the Horn in a strategic
<> location...
<The Gronitz company has a "naked woman with her tuba," in the tradition of
<the Besson euphonium Bettie Page look-alike. Roger Bobo appears naked
<with tuba on his website, but he's not advertising the brand of
<On the whole, I'd much rather see scantily-clad hornists on CD covers than
<tubists. Not necessary though--remembering back to young Lowell Greer's
<Heldenleben competition photos in formal wear--now, there was some


Don't bring Betty Page (or a supposedly reasonable facsimile) into the
discussion and then just leave it at that. Where is this euphonium image
being displayed? I mean, the Gronitz pic is artsy and all that, Roger Bobo
in the altogether is not my thing, but BETTY PAGE!!!??? Where? I have filed
away somewhere an image e-mailed to me by a friend what appears to be a
reproduction of an old "dirty French postcard" that features two turn of
the century (one before last) demoiselles cavorting with some sort of brass
instrument (no doubt a m****phone) and fireplace bellows being employed in
a rather inventive manner (use your imagination). I don't recall the brand
name being visible on the instrument, so I doubt that it was the same

OK, now that I've completely blown any credibility I may have once had on
this list, I return you to your regular programming while I prepare to be
lambasted for corrupting the morals of the list readership.

Peter "does anyone else remember Vanessa Mae?" Hirsch


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