
I hadn't played a Holton since high school, but remember very well the
terrible valve trouble I had on my H-180 back then. I was in Boston
this past weekend and decided to try out a new Merker-Matic at
Rayburn's Music, just to satisfy my curiosity. My opinion (for what
it's worth) is that it was an extremely well-crafted horn, with a warm,
well-centered sound and consistently good evenness and intonation from
top to bottom. 

Having said that, I fully agree with your point about the lingering
stigma of Holton's valves, and frankly the spectre of a $1,000 valve
rebuild only a few years into the purchase would prevent me from
seriously considering buying one. I think it's an issue Holton really
needs to address, if they hope to compete.

Stephen Laifer

Valves have seemed to be a fairly consistent problem with many Holton
I knew a fellow back in the mid-60's who had an original Model 77 and
he had 
valve problems. One hears frequent complaints today about Holton
After forty some years of making Farkas model horns, when are they
going to 
get it right with regard to valves ? 

Wes Hatch has made frequent and valuable posts regarding Holton horns
both lists. I know that he has indicated that at various times, the 
leadership of LeBlanc really emphasized good quality control, so why is

there a problem, or is it a problem ? Is it merely a perception ? 

The new Merker-Matic horns have been well received, What kind of
inroads are 
they making in professional and advanced ranks ? 

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