June 2, 2003
New York Philharmonic Agrees to Move to Carnegie Hall

In a surprising cultural merger, the New York Philharmonic has agreed to
move to Carnegie Hall, leaving Lincoln Center, officials of the orchestra
and the hall said yesterday. The move back to Carnegie Hall, where the
orchestra had historically resided on West 57th Street, could come as soon
as 2006, more than 40 years after it left and became an anchor of Lincoln
"There's no reason why it shouldn't be a done deal," said Sanford I. Weill,
chairman of Carnegie Hall. "I've worked on a lot of mergers, and I've never
seen a fit as perfect as this."
The move would give Carnegie Hall the oldest orchestra in the country and
deprive Lincoln Center of the first cultural institution established there.
For the Philharmonic, going to Carnegie Hall means it can exchange the
flawed acoustics of Avery Fisher Hall for a stage of undisputed sound
quality, without having to foot the bill for a costly renovation. It would
also turn the orchestra, now led by Lorin Maazel, from a rent-paying tenant
into a managing partner.
"We've got two major institutions - one is the greatest hall in the world,
the other is the greatest orchestra in the world," said Zarin Mehta, the
Philharmonic's executive director. "This merger is to strengthen our
respective positions."
The plan has jolted Lincoln Center. Its chairman, Bruce Crawford, and its
president, Reynold Levy, said they were taken aback when told on Thursday of
the planned switch. It leaves them no long-term occupant for Avery Fisher
Hall, where the orchestra has been based since 1962. But it also affords
them opportunities to reshape the performing arts scene for decades to come.
Martin E. Segal, a chairman emeritus of Lincoln Center, voiced outrage at
the prospect that the arts campus would lose its original tenant and called
the merger "a form of cultural cannibalism." 
Paul B. Guenther, chairman of the Philharmonic, responded that "it was not a
question of luring the Philharmonic to Carnegie Hall, but of the
Philharmonic doing what is best for its long-term interests."
In light of a nationwide decline in advance ticket sales, the Philharmonic's
subscription audience would also give Carnegie Hall a stable revenue stream.
At a time when orchestras around the country are succumbing to dire
financial pressures, Mr. Weill, chairman of Citigroup and one of the
nation's leading philanthropists, and Mr. Guenther, former president of the
Paine Webber Group Inc., said the proposed merger would make powerful
financial sense, giving the new entity a combined endowment of about $350
Carnegie Hall, owned by the city, has been running in the black, they said,
and the Philharmonic this year had a slight deficit, under $1 million, after
having operated profitably since the early 1990's. Both Carnegie Hall and
Avery Fisher Hall have about 2,800 seats.
The two executives confirmed the merger plan in joint telephone interviews
yesterday. They said that in the last few days their executive committees
had unanimously approved a merger of their boards and organizations and that
they had held separate telephone consultations last night to advance the
Before the merger can happen, Mr. Guenther said, the Philharmonic's
commitments to Lincoln Center must be fully assessed. Both boards would then
need to approve the alliance formally.
Mr. Weill said that he told Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg about the merger on
Saturday and that "I think he thinks this is very good."
Mr. Bloomberg could not be reached for comment last night. Kate D. Levin,
the city's commissioner of cultural affairs, commended the merger. "There
are a lot of opportunities here," she said.
Carter Brey, the Philharmonic's principal cellist, called the move "the best
news in the world." 
"I don't think there is a musician in the New York Philharmonic who would
not love to be affiliated with Carnegie," he said.
Mr. Weill and Mr. Guenther said that talks would continue this week to plan
an expansion of Carnegie Hall's backstage space at an estimated cost of $10
million to $20 million - far less than the $100 million a consultant had
projected - but that otherwise the hall, celebrated for its fine acoustics,
would remain untouched. They said that the switch could probably not come
before the 2006-7 season because of longstanding bookings by Carnegie Hall
and Avery Fisher Hall, but that the Philharmonic would step up its
appearances at Carnegie in the meantime.
Reinstalling the 161-year-old orchestra in the hall where it presided from
1891 to 1962 would sharply curtail the availability of the famed stage to
the world's leading ensembles, sending them in search of other sites,
undoubtedly including Avery Fisher Hall, where the Philharmonic is now the
lone regular tenant. Lincoln Center uses the theater for other programming
when it is available. 
The relocation would also come as another prime tenant at Lincoln Center,
the New York City Opera, is pursuing a move downtown. It has long been
unhappy with the acoustics in the New York State Theater, which it shares
with the New York City Ballet. Irwin Schneiderman, the chairman of City
Opera, said the company would not be interested in moving into Avery Fisher.
"It doesn't have the stage or the fly space that an opera house needs," he
The orchestra's decision to pull out of discussions about reconstructing
Avery Fisher Hall, at a cost of as much as $260 million, underlines the
problems Lincoln Center faces as it grapples with even a scaled-down
renovation project. The renovation was once put at $1.5 billion over a
decade, and now has been reduced to $350 million over 12 years, not counting
work on Avery Fisher.
Mr. Crawford said the plan took him by surprise. "We knew what they
described as low-level discussions had gone on a few months ago," he said.
"I had been assured by the Philharmonic this was not a real option. I would
have preferred a more collegial approach."
Mr. Crawford said he was not aware that the Philharmonic had hired the
architectural firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill to study the cost and
feasibility of a move to Carnegie Hall. The firm had been one of seven
rejected for a redesign of Avery Fisher Hall last year. 
Mr. Levy, Lincoln Center's president, said: "Lincoln Center has been a great
home to the New York Philharmonic. Avery Fisher Hall was built for the
But they and Beverly Sills, the center's previous chairwoman, said the
orchestra's departure created opportunities for extended residencies by
other orchestras and educational collaborations with the Juilliard School.
"Close the door, open a window," Ms. Sills said. 
Mr. Crawford said the Metropolitan Opera's orchestra, which typically plays
several engagements at Carnegie Hall, might like to establish a more
substantial season at Avery Fisher. He said Lincoln Center's Great
Performers series and its summer festival might also use Avery Fisher more.
"We have this fabulous facility," Mr. Levy said. "We need to fix it up and
aesthetically and acoustically improve it, but I have no doubt we can
discharge our responsibility to the city and to the public."
Many issues remain to be resolved. But Mr. Weill and Mr. Guenther dismissed
the impediments as largely minor. "Leases never stopped anything good from
happening," Mr. Weill said. Mr. Guenther said that a merger had attracted
such powerful support, "I'd bet on it."
They said that the planned administrative sharing, while unusual, would pose
no problems. Mr. Mehta of the Philharmonic is to stay on to run the
orchestral aspects, alongside Robert J. Harth, Carnegie Hall's executive and
artistic director, who will run the house.
Mr. Mehta said the Philharmonic, which pays its musicians 52 weeks a year,
might take advantage of Carnegie Hall's two other stages, perhaps moving its
chamber music from the 92nd Street Y. "The possibilities are endless," he

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