On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, jocelyn sia wrote:

> Has anyone seen scented valve oils? (like french vanilla...)
> i saw one of my classmates using it (i forgot where they got it from)...
> i'm just wondering what people think of it, and would they be willing to
> use it?

Zap it.  It affects everyone around you - at the very least, it is a
distraction.  I was given a bottle of vanilla oil once (thanks, you know
who) - it was cute for a minute, then it had to go.  However, oil scented
with garlic, skunk, or butyric acid - that's another matter - any of these
would make a fine gift for that hornist to your left.

        {  David Goldberg:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  }
        { Math Dept, Washtenaw Community College }
                 { Ann Arbor Michigan }

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