If they cannot devote the same amount of time to practise as future
professional (should) do, things will take longer fort he future
amateurs off course.  Necessary things to study are transposition, basic
understanding harmony, some of music history & the main composers of the
past, some of instrumental science (Instrumentenkunde), to know a bit
about the other instruments of the symphonic orchestra, rhythm, music
writing (not composing) to know how to rewrite something if necessary
(by using the computer), hearing exercises, vocalise, singing in a

If all is timed carefully, it should work & make a very good amateur
horn player.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Auftrag von pieter dejonghe
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. Juni 2003 13:55
An: 'The Horn List'
Betreff: RE: [Hornlist] besides practising the horn

If I understand you well, you described the goal for a good professional

What do you recommend amateurs to become good amateurs. For them, it's
almost impossible to get all that knowledge, wich is accessible for
pro's. What are the absolutely needed skills for amateurs? What's are
good attitudes when private lessons are quite impossible?

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Namens
Hans Pizka
Verzonden: woensdag 18 juni 2003 13:58
Aan: 'The Horn List'
Onderwerp: [Hornlist] besides practising the horn and playing loud

Do you really think, practising horn for (say) three hours a day would
be enough to arrive at professional playing level, would be enough to
prepare oneself for the profession as a musician, do you ? 

I hope not. This would be not enough definitely.

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