I found the article that I asked about on one of the two horn lists around a
month ago. I had asked if anyone could refer me to an article that was a
bibliography of orchestral works using more than four horns. Although no one
referred me to the article, there were many suggestions of the typical
Bruckner and Mahler Symphonies.  For anyone that is interested, Richard
Chenoweth wrote an article entitled "A University of Dayton Master Class: A
Bibliography of Large Orchestral Works" that was published on page 61 of the
April 1992 Horn Call. In addition to works by Bruckner, Mahler, Strauss and
Stravinsky, it includes compositions by composers as diverse as Berg,
Berlioz, Britten, Copland, Debussy, Hovhaness, Janacek, Ligeti, Orff,
Rachmaninoff, Respighi, Schoenberg, Scriabin, Shostakovich, Stockhausen,
Varese and Wagner (as well as others).

John Schreckengost
Chicago, IL

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