Oddball horns like that show up on eBay now & then, mostly marked Lidl, but 2 of them marked Selmer Signet were on eBay recently. Plus, a genuine Lehmann oddball compensating double horn on was eBay a couple of years ago. That 1 was in pretty much ruined condition (from wear, though, not from trauma).

The 1 I have (an eBay Lidl) plays a tad flat, even with all slides pushed in as far as they can go. (How do you suppose I might go about correcting that without spending more than the horn is worth?)

-- Alan Cole, rank amateur
McLean (Fairfax County), Virginia, USA.
Lehmann made a compensating double which used a long rotary valve with (I think) eight sets of ports to provide the compensating lengths of tubing and the F branch. The valve was placed perpendicular to the 1-2-3 rotors in such a way that, when closed, the ports formed the end of the Bb horn slides. When opened the valve added in compensating lengths of tubing to give the F horn lengths and added the F branch. I've only seen two of these and that was many years back.

Bob Osmun

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