Clayton Whetmore, there, wrote:
I'm curious...can you play the piano with such ease as Dino 
Kartsonakis?  Can you play the sax as well as Kenny G?  Have you, like 
Michael Bolton, sold over 52 million albums and singles worldwide, and 
won two Grammys and six American Music Awards among many other accolades.

<shrugging>  I suppose it's easy to look down our noses, from high atop 
ivory towers, at these supposedly poor specimens of musicians <tongue in 
cheek>.  But, if one is honest with oneself, one must admit that they've 
accomplished something most of us have not!

Now, I am finally agreeing again at long last with someone on this mostly 
sophomoric of lists (of course if this list is sophomoric that Yahoo list is 
freshmanic or sophomoronic at best) because Clayton has with the mostest of 
correctiles pointed out that, yes, no one on this list can play the piano like Dino, 
or the Sax like Kenny G. and no one, I mean, no one on this list is ever 
going to sell 52 million albums and singles (but I know that  Prof. H.P. has sold 
52 albums and I don't know about singles, but he use to consume in his party 
days 52 doubles) like Michael Bolton and most of the students on this list, 
judging by their mostestest egotisticals of writings to us from their safe ivory 
towers at their universities think that if they make the practicings of 
concertos and the rehearsals or symphonies and wind ensembles and the sloppings 
through of their excerpts with their bad rhythms, wrong notes, sloppy dynamics, 
out of tunes and ass-tone sounds that someday they may play the horn as well as 
Kenny B. or even the right-handed E flat Wagner Tube as well as moi and make 
some kind of living at it performing in public and/or teaching others how to 
play when in reallity they can't even play KOPPRASCH NUMBER ONE with a good 
sound, correct rhythm, secure and in tune notes and proper, musical dynamics!!!

Caveat Feces!

Mostest of Musics and Monies for All of You,

Prof. I. M. Gestopftmitscheist
Principal 8th horn and Principal 4th Wagner Tuber, Schplittenotendorf am 
Oedland Staatsoper und Philharmoniker, (ret.)
Solo Horn, Exit 2 Brass Quintet
Hornist, Broken Winds WW Quintet
Solo 4th Horn (Leader, call me for bookings), Smirnoff Horn Quartet
Hornist as Needed, L'Ensemble du Chambre des Palourdes
Principal Natural Horn, I Soloisti di Feces
Principal Baroque and Hunting Horn, Camarata Vongoleforte
Adjunct, Part-time, Arms-length Professor of Horn and Pest Control, Exit 2 
Community College, Exit 2, NJ
Author, "The Kopprasch Connection," "Kopprasch for Fun and Profit," 
"Kopprasch for the New Millenium: Where Do you Fit In?" and "Hooked on Hornonics"
Founder, Director and CEO, Universal Institute for the Study, Preservation 
and Dissemination of Kopprasch Throughout the Solar System
Founder and Guru Extraordinaire, Hornaholics Anonymous
Grand Poobah of the Koppraschian Kult
Director and Program Manager, The All Kopprasch Channel (AKC), Kopprasch 
Public Radio (KPR)
Host of "The Kopprasch Factor" on AKC and "All Kopprasch Considered" on KPR
Founder of Kopprasch Depot, your one stop shop for all you need!
Interplanetarily Known Soloist and Artist of Record
Phone: yes
Fax: yes
E-mail: yes
Website: no

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