Now, I have tried three times over the weekend to post this via the web
version of NYPL's mail system and, as far as I can tell, only the subject
line got through (and that only once). Now that the evil genius Prof I.M.
Gestopftmit...... has resurfaced on the list, I suspect a conspiracy is
sabotaging my most worthy efforts. I really would like to help out Meredith
and whoever it was that originally wanted this info, so I  am giving it one
last go via the official mail software that I have access to only at work.

BTW - I notice that there were recently 4 CDs worth of Buyanovsky
(performing, including him w/the Leningrad Horn Ensemble)  Melodia LPs
issued. I just put in an order for the at TAP Music and will report details
when they arrive. Much of this material I have treasured for nearly 30
years on mediocre cassette tape copies of worn old LPs, so I am quite

Here goes nothing,

Peter Hirsch

----- Forwarded by phirsch/MHT/Nypl on 11/03/2003 09:47 AM -----
                                               To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]             
                      11/02/2003 01:21         cc:                                     
                      PM                       Subject:  Re: [Hornlist] Buyanovski 

I cant tell if anything got through from either of my last two attempts to
post this. It doesn't seem possible to post anything to this list when I am
at home, but I'm giving it another stab anyway. Sorry if this is a

Peter Hirsch

From: phirsch/MHT/Nypl
Date: 11/01/2003 09:12PM
Subject: Re: [Hornlist] Buyanovski Recording

Sorry for the delay in replying to this, but it has taken me some time to
search through my resources and locate what I think more or less represents
Buyanovsky on CD.

I no longer have the original posting, but I believe that it was Espana
that was being sought. I located five recordings of works by him; four of
which include this piece. The only one that appears to be available online
from a domestic (that is, if you live in the US) source is Zoltan Varga's
recording "Born for Horn" on Hungaroton 32176. I saw this on the Arkiv
music website and do not have firsthand
knowledge of it (though I intend to order it as soon as I finish writing
this). Chris Leuba put out a CD called "Leuba 1991" on Prospect 921 that
has the four improvisations plus "Russian song" on it. I believe the only
way to obtain this is directly from Chris, though I may be wrong. I'm sure
he can be located via the IHS membership directory. Two longshots (at least
as far as actually acquiring them goes) are: Sergei Dovgaliouk's "Russian
music for horn" disc (WWM 500.036) which has Espana in addition to "In
remembrance of Benjamin Britten "Russian song" and 3 Evening songs for horn
and soprano and Zbigniew Zuk's "Horn voyage" disc that has all 5 solo horn
pieces (Zuk 315). Peter Cloos also has a horn and organ CD with the
"Russian song" on it (Black Cat BCC 102), but no "Espana". If you are
serious about getting your hands on a copy of these, there are a few places
to turn; don't waste your time looking for the at your local Tower records
or CDNOW, etc. TAP Music, Osmun (just google it if you
don't have it bookmarked already; it's probably, Paxman
(ditto) or Ulrich Koebl all specialize in brass instrument
recordings and may be of some use. I've also found that jpc is a
great source of recordings unavailable in the US of A and worth a try.

Let me know if any of this helps. In fact, let me know if it doesn't also;
maybe I can think of more sources.

Peter Hirsch

<date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 20:24:49 -0500
<subject: Re: [Hornlist] Buyanovski Recording
<I have been looking for the same thing myself. I have one recording, but
it is not <very representative of the piece (my opinion only).
<I have been told that Jamie Sommerville played it at one of the
Symposiums, and I <have been trying to contact people through IHS to see if
there were recordings <done of it. To no avail though, as I have received
no answer yet. (from anyone!)
<If anyone can provide info, it would be much appreciated (and now I'm not
the only <one!) ;-)
<~Meredith Evans
<Graduate Horn Assistant
<Kent State University

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