> Just noticed a Raoux Millereau single ascending horn on Ebay.  It might
> be in key of G as "sol" is marked on the slide.  Very old; very bad
> condition, though.   For a look at it try this:
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/
> eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2576289281&category=16215
> Cheers,  Paul Mansur

The Sol (equalling G) marking is not as odd at one might suppose.

In an ascending single F horn the main bugle is tuned in G. The F tuning
only is achieved by means of the open 3rd valve tubing, when the 3rd valve
is not engaged.

In an English text Selmer catalogue of mine (apparently and sadly lost by
now) the ascending single F horn was designed as being of "G-extension".

The horn in question has been uploaded to my galleries:


A non-ascending version of the same instrument can be seen at



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