If you use 'just intonation' harmonic ratios (ratii ?) to determine 
the 'proper' pitch, then you also need to be aware that the pitch for each 
note is dependent on the 'root' note of the scale being considered.

The proper pitches for the notes of a just intonation scale beginning on 
concert F (horn C) will be different than the same note names for a scale 
beginning on concert C (horn G) - even if the horn's A is kept the same. And 
there will be similar differences for all of the root notes.

For general intonation, being able to play all the scales so they sound good 
is a reasonable goal!

This problem with 'moving pitches' is why it is so important to listen 
carefully when playing in an emsemble and to play your notes so they blend 
with the others. For me, it is the horn A's and E's that give the most 

Jay Kosta
Endwell NY
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