Can you imagine a music director ordering a set of parts for the Rosetti
No.5 Concerto URGENTRLY by two email letters, but not providing any
shipment address ???? In what a mind less time do we live now ???

But this is not the only customer. I receive orders without shipment
address quite often.

Nevertheless, it is not to blame our time or the customers from
overseas. We just received the UNESCO report about the GERMAN
educational system not reaching the international standard. You don’t
believe it ??? It is true. 25% of the young people leaving the basic
schooling behind them, have difficulties to read & write, have also
great deficits in mathematics. Seven Million people in Germany
(including the millions of "guest" workers (expatriats) are more or less
illiterate. No a good news indeed. 

During my school time, everybody learned how to read music, even just
for singing, - I do not speak here about the music lessons we got in the
"humanistic gymnasium" - , but I speak about grammar school & middle
school. Even today, it is much better in Austria than here in Germany.
Here the music reading ability is just popular in the smaller places,
where most young people join the village band or one of the two or three
brass bands, or the church choir or the Maennergesangverein (Male Choir
Society). But in the cities, - nothing. Shame.

Well, if TV programs hail popular singers, praising them as "autodidact
who cannot read or write music" .... no wonder that the level goes down
& down the hill. But blaming the school system, the planners of the
curriculum, the planners in the education ministry, - would it help much
? I doubt. It would not help you in your country, nor would it help

Thumb folks are the BEST (EASIEST) CONSUMER. Thumb folks do never
revolt. Thumb folks can be kicked in the ass, but would eventually say
"thank you" then.

The train has left the station already, lost culture cannot be brought
back. A true sign of decadence.

In Berlin they have changed the way of hiring musicians even for the
city´s or the state´s orchestras. New members will not receive an
unlimited contract after the trial period, so the contract can be ended
any time, just respecting the requested time frame. This will destroy
the music cultural landscape in Germany like an avalanche destroys
villages in the Alps. But the villages can be rebuilt, orchestras NOT.
If they are gone, they are gone forever.

Prof.Hans Pizka, Pf.1136
D-85541 Kirchheim - Germany
Fax: 49 89 903-9414 Phone: 903-9548

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