One of my students has bought me the "Concert Sprituel" cd of Handel's Water 
Music and Fireworks Music - if you get a chance to hear it, jump at it - it's 

It's played using the numbers of players specified in Handel's score.

There are some really wild moments for the horns and it's a joy in itself to 
hear the water music movements taken at what I feel are decent speeds instead 
of the more pedestrian speeds bequethed to us by Hamilton Harty (many years 
ago I confess - there have been moves in the right direction since then.)

Of particular interest to us are the the wilder sound and un-adjusted open 
notes of the natural horn.

If you can't persuade one of your students to buy it for you, get down to the 
shop yourself.

All the best,


"žaes ofereode - žisses swa maeg"

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