Nutcrackers ois not the worst ballet music, but it is - as usual - over
marked regarding dynamics. There is so often f & ff, where it should be
p or mf instead. This is also with the strings & the other wind
instruments. Where do they use 16 first violins ? We use 12 first
violins for most ballets, but our violin players use the state owned
beautiful Italian violins by Gagliano, Bergonzi, Guanerius, Vouillaume,
Montagnara, Teckler, etc. with their strong sound. But still, the winds
are much too loud. So we reduce the dynamic until we can hear the
fiddlers well. Then the sound is much better integrated & thus more

Admitted, there are several spots, where we have to follow the original
markings, e.g. at the entrances of some numbers, when there is a horn
signal or similar. And the famous Flower Waltz ? There is no forte, but
a solistic mf.
So it is not any problem getting through the piece, playing on first
chair. For the rest of the section, it should not be any problem never.

This the Nutcracker. But how about Sleeping Beauty ? This is much
tougher. So one has to act similar. But there are more doubled passages
where the first horn can rest.

Did any of you ever play "Bayadere" by Minkus ? Beautiful music, if the
numbers are played just one or two in a promenade concert. But the full
beast is 80 pages to play. And this is killing the embouchure. So care a
lot if you get this in to your ballet program. Reduce the dynamic to an
acceptable level. If the "Maestro" - usually one of these crooks who
never get anything to conduct but ballet music - plays one of the
"bumptious cocks", say "Yes" to all of his demands, but play in your way
dynamic wise, just to prevent a burnt through embouchure. 

Remember even for ballet music:
If you will not hear the principal melody, you are too loud. If you
cannot hear the principal voice of your section, you are definitely too

A young (trouble making) second horn plays the last sfz in La Boheme,
the scene when Mimi is to die, as a real sfz, while the whole section
makes just a sfzp to get the effect & still keeping of the scene. After
that, right after the end of the opera, the first horn (not me) asks
him, if he knew that Mimi is to die then. But he replies: "From where
should I know that ? " I am interested to know your comments, what you
think about such a colleague (the 2nd horn).

The same fellow had difficulties to get right along with J.Strauss "The
Bat" (he had a rehearsal anyway), so the third horn (25 years
professional experience) tried to help him by giving him some cues. But
at the intermission, the same young fellow stopped the third horn and
said: "This time & forever, I will not allow you to give me any sign
while I play solo !" (His soli were just held notes in the range between
c1 & g1). 

He also adapted some spectacles for himself (usually he does not wear
spectacles) with black blinkers at both sides, so he has not to watch
any sing coming from the third or the first horn. Anyway, he is
provoking trouble after trouble. But he carries a little book in the
pit, where he notes down about our playing. 

Shall we tear & feather him, perhaps, as he, while nice during the trial
period of the first year, showed his obstructing talents by refusing any
integration into the section, playing stubbornly just the black dots &
markings as written in his part, no matter about the leaders
interpretation, regarding dynamic, expression etc. ? He does not even
try to adopt the orchestras style now.

Last year, we had an extra Wagner concert in Italy, but he played Wagner
Tuba with another orchestra the night before. He eventually called our
orchestra manager at 11 PM the night before the early morning flight,
that he cannot make it back in time to catch the flight. He were very
sorry, that he could not bring the Wagnertuba back in time also. This
was not a duty, but an extra gig for him & for us. I just should say,
that we had a tough talk we him just two days earlier. So he meant
giving us head ache. Well, we solved the problem easily, that our other
fourth horn took his private Wagnertube on to the trip, and I took over
the eighth part in the second half of the concert after I had played the
Short call. But these kind of things do not count if it goes to the
labour court.

We hope & wait until he will commit something severe so the
administration can fire him without the risk of an appeal.

Your comment is also welcome here. 

Prof.Hans Pizka, Pf.1136
D-85541 Kirchheim - Germany
Fax: 49 89 903-9414 Phone: 903-9548

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