OHHHHHHHH I gotcha now...
That one went over me for a split-second. Farts are different in all parts of 
the world. The mexican burrito fart is quite different from the english 
bubble-and-squeak fart.

I use a very deep cup mouthpiece and I'm thinking about switching to a vienna 
style cup myself. As to the low playing on shallow cups I know exactly what 
you're talking about now. It does sound rather... bad. 

Most of the ones that could play very loud down there with a very good tone 
(not many) didn't use shallow little mouthpieces either.

And as far as the lower you go the higher you can climb, that is very very 
true, but no one seems to grasp that. My high range is getting quite reasonable 
after playing a lot of 4th parts or low parts for several years on everything 
from horn quartets, to horn duets, and orchestral parts.


In a message dated 1/27/2004 10:05:05 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

> William, why should it be "a very rare ability to play very loud in the
> low register and I've only known a handful of people that can do it " ?
> There are many good low horn players in the professional field, many,
> but they don't "fart around".
> If you are not sure, what I meant with this term "farting", listen to
> the playing &listen to a real great fart &compare. Then you will know,
> what I meant. Very simple.
> And most of these "farters" have to small mouth pieces &never
> CULTIVATED the low range. Many of them have neglected the fact, that
> "the lower you can dive down the higher you can climb up", and advantage
> for those who observed this rule.

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