How should the sound of a low horn be in principal ?
Listen to the double bass or to the violoncello and you get the right
picture about sound quality. Try to copy that sound.
Well, there are some extremes  as the forte or fortissimo in the bass
region. Get some sound orientation from the basso tubas sonority, from
the smaller basso tuba not from the sousaphone or the big "imperial
bass" or the "giant drums" as in Tahiti music, well focussed sound
without lip brrrrrrrt sound at the beginning or elsewhere during a held

Remember, it is not a weakness if you cannot play super loud in the
bass, but just fine loud. Beauty of tone & tone quality in general comes
before mere loudness. But if the sound of the low notes is really weak &
cannot be developed during the playing, something has to be improved:
hardware (mouthpiece), software (idea about the low notes sound),
physical improvement(lip adjustment, mouth cavity adjustment,
intonation, release of air, attack).

Think, low horns do not have many soli or great soli (even Beethoven
no.9 is better played by the player who is used to be exposed - the
first horn, the whole professional world makes it this way more or less
!), so their role is to support the other voices and the whole section
supports the principal voices in the performance.

Prof.Hans Pizka, Pf.1136
D-85541 Kirchheim - Germany
Fax: 49 89 903-9414 Phone: 903-9548

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