OK Listers.

Looking at the most recent digest (Vol. 14 Issue 17) there are only 3
threads, The search for Tim Cofer, the Standley Routine aggression and the
interminable yawn about Punto and Beethoven - 5 entries, yet due ENTIRELY to
the contributors of that 3rd thread NOT BEING ABLE TO DESELECT "Include
Previous Message in Reply" the digest is as long as one where there are 20
subjects and it makes incredibly tedious reading trying to get past all the
foregoing and the bit before that etc. etc. etc.

There is a polite request at the top of this digest which asks "Please edit
replies to include only relevant text. Please DO NOT include the entire
digest in your reply"

Will you PLEASE oblige by doing just that?

Oh just think of the pleasure of a simple daily read...(I dream)


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